I’ve taught many group fitness formats including suspension trainer (like TRX), Kettlebells, Battleropes, Bootcamp, Cycling and more. After graduating with my degree in Business Administration from Central Washington University, I moved back to Southern California and began working at Equinox Huntington Beach as a personal trainer. This allowed me to further my education in exercise science and ultimately further my skills in programming based on client needs. In January 2018 I was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) which forced me to quit my job at Equinox shortly after to focus on my health.

As time went on and I was cleared to begin working again, I trained more small group classes in person and virtually, and received my pre/postnatal certification through PROnatal Fitness. Throughout grad school I continued to grow as a trainer, teaching group fitness with Exos and training at multiple F45 locations.

Teaching my clients how to exercise and helping them learn the importance of moving their bodies each day lit a fire in me and led me down a path to discover an even bigger passion I had for teaching others about food and nutrition.

Hello, my name is Katelyn Kimiko, welcome to my Kave! I graduated in 2020 with a Masters of Science in Nutrition for Wellness (MSNW) from Bastyr University. This program taught me how food affects your body, using science. I diligently studied how diseases develop within our bodies, and how food can be used to prevent or manage specific diseases. My instructors ensured that we were able to translate what we were learning & researching in the classroom, to the kitchen for to each client’s needs.

I enjoy taking the time to get to know my clients’ cultural background, food preferences, and lifestyle to help them make small sustainable changes to reach their health goals. I firmly believe in helping people add nutritional value to each meal or snack instead of restricting or eliminating foods. I also like to teach my clients about navigating the grocery store which can include how to properly read food labels, what additional labels mean and if they’re are worth the extra money. My goal for each of my clients is that they will be able graduate from working with me, to be able to plan balanced meals/snacks and navigate the grocery store on their own.

My journey in the world of health and fitness world began during college. In 2014 I taught my first group fitness class and began training my first clients. Soon I was training and programming for multiple small and large groups of clients, as well as multiple group fitness classes.

When I have free time, you will find me trying to get outdoors with my family, whether it’s going on a walk to the park with my little ones or packing them up a mountain on a hike. I enjoy being in the kitchen as much as possible; teaching my little ones how to bake and cook, as my family taught me, has become a favorite activity of mine, even if it looks a bit messier these days.

I have multiple house plants that I attempt not to kill, though I don’t always succeed, and dream of being able to plant a garden and learn to grow my own food. No matter where you find me, I can assure you that I will be soaking up the sun when possible and looking for my next favorite coffee shop.