Almond Cacao Creamer

Creamy half n’ half used to be my favorite thing to put in my morning coffee, but since my body no longer enjoys dairy I recreated the creamy goodness that I once loved in my coffee


Prep time: 8  minutes

Cook time: 5-10 minutes

Serves: 4




¾ cup Almond milk 

1 Tablespoon Cacao

1 Tablespoon honey or organic cane sugar

¼ tsp vanilla extract 

1/4 -1/2 teaspoon Tapioca (optional)


1.     In a small saucepan whisk together the milk and cacao (if using) until cacao is fully mixed in smoothly. If you’re not using Cacao jump to step 2 and continue.

2.     Over low heat continue mixing adding in sweetener of choice and vanilla until sugar is dissolved.

3.     If using tapioca to thicken your coffee creamer make sure to slurry it first. Do this by adding ¼ teaspoon tapioca and 1 teaspoon cold water in a small bowl. Mix the two together until tapioca is dissolved then stir into creamer mixing constantly so crystals don’t form.

4.     Repeat this until your creamer reaches the desired thickness and keeping in mind that it will thicken more once it cools. 

5.     Pour some straight into your coffee to enjoy and/or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 7 days. 

A note for you: you can adjust the thickness of this creamer by adding more or less tapioca starch into the recipe

Original recipe by Katelyn Kimiko, Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.

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